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Precise, Fast Academic Proofreading and Editing
We provide professional academic proofreading services, so that you can be sure that your academic papers are excellent.
It is no secret that academia is highly competitive. In order to succeed, your papers have to be markedly better than those of your peers, of course. Taking precautions to ensure that your papers do not contain distracting errors is thus of the utmost importance. With our affordable academic proofreading services, the expert proofreaders at ProofreadingServices.Us can help safeguard your papers from embarrassing mistakes.
We can provide top-tier academic proofreading services for all of your work, including term papers, theses, research papers, reports and any other kind of academic writing.
Simple, Upfront Pricing
Our prices are as low as just 1.3 cents per word, which is only $3.25 for a 250-word page. For that small fee — a fee that is among the lowest of the high quality academic proofreading firms — you will receive detail-oriented academic proofreading that will ensure your writing is clear. You can get started right now by uploading your document.
Our professional proofreaders will meticulously examine every document you send us. They will ensure that each document is well-written, correcting spelling, grammar, spacing, punctuation, capitalization and formatting errors.
Your important papers will be proofread by an expert proofreader with many years of experience. Additionally, all of the professional proofreaders at ProofreadingServices.Us have passed a series of rigorous, proprietary proofreading tests. Many of the members of our team are retired newspaper editors and English professors, so they are very familiar with the art of academic proofreading. Also familiar with pressing deadlines, they are not only thorough, they are very efficient as well.
We can begin working on your academic proofreading project just hours after we receive your document. Click here to get started or ask questions.